Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28

I found something remarkable in my raised garden bed this evening. Here it is:

Until I got up close --very close, and touched it-- I thought it was a clump of long-forgotten evergreen needles or a baby tree just starting out. But it is, in actuality, a clump of itty bitty tomato seedlings. A virtual sea of them, 50 to 60 strong; I tried counting the tiny little plants, but they're so tightly bound together that I couldn't keep track.

These are clearly volunteers from a hearty cherry tomato that fell, unnoticed, from last year's mega plant. But it amazed me to see so many in one spot; the volume of LIFE that teems and grows in that tiny, one-inch square astounds me.

God's nature is just incredible. I'm grateful to be reminded of that truth. And I find it comforting to know that God Himself sees every single one of those bitty plants --even the ones I couldn't count-- because it means He definitely sees me, even when I feel invisible.

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