Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20

Adam and I rarely get away on our own, so we were very blessed when his parents were available to take the kiddos for the weekend. We drove down to Carmel this evening and enjoyed a nice conversation in the car. Then we checked into our amazing room at the inn, picked a restaurant from a list provided by the front desk, and hit the streets.

It's a beautiful night; not terribly cold but not particularly warm, and the stars, oh, the stars! I had a lovely time at dinner, talking about the kids and life and giggling over the crazy half-drunk people behind us who talked about porta potties and golden retrievers and rounds of golf, and, of course, eating what wound up being some of the most delicious Italian food I've ever had. By the time we'd paid the check, I felt delightfully full and slightly tipsy from the faint scent of wine that wafted through the air. It was a wonderful night with my hunny.

But even before tonight, it was a good day, filled with a Thankful Feast at preschool shared with the Little Boys, a coffee and hot cocoa date with my Isaac, and news from Abby that perhaps the ice that's chilled a former friendship may be beginning to melt.

So many good things. So many reasons to be thankful. So many reasons to reflect on God's goodness.

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