Monday, December 19, 2016

December 19

There was actual ice on my windshield this morning when I went outside to take the kids to school. I know that's no big thing for some of you, but to us thin-blooded Californians, it's an unwelcome weather oddity. I don't own an ice scraper, but thanks to a spur-of-the-moment flash of genius by Abby, I was able to clear off the glass with Legos, and then we were off. (Yep, Legos. Worked like a charm.)

Anyhow, suffice it to say that it was cold, and it stayed cold outside all day long, so my heavy coat ventured from its hanger in the closet for the first time this season.

As I went about my day and wasn't cold, this wussy transported Marylander felt a profound sense of gratitude for this coat and for the warmth it provides. It's a simple thing that's a very big blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Legos? Clever idea. But I doubt that would work in Wisconsin. We have close to a foot of snow and wicked wind-chills, right about now!
    Merry Christmas.
