Friday, December 9, 2016

December 9

Adam was in Germany this week, so I was doing the whole solo-parenting thing. Fortunately, he got back this afternoon so we're all under the same roof again. But he had an extremely unlikely and fortuitous encounter at the Frankfurt airport before he got on the plane to head home.

He was en route to buying some snacks for his flight when he heard someone call his name. When he turned around, he saw a blonde woman looking right at him. He knew she looked familiar, but he hadn't gotten much sleep and couldn't immediately place the face. As it turns out, she was one of Logan's nurses at CHO, and she still thinks about him and us and asked how we've been.

He said he didn't really thank her for saying hi, so Jeni, if you're reading this, you have our gratitude because that chance encounter --seriously, at the airport in Germany?!-- meant so, so much to him. Given how difficult special seasons can be for us, it was such a blessing for him to come into contact with someone from the past who remembers our Sunshine.

(PS -- The second virtual miracle? He texted me the entire exchange at midnight and despite the string of dings that my phone must've emitted, I didn't wake up! For a light sleeper like me, that's an incredible thing indeed.)

1 comment:

  1. So awesome when we get virtual hugs from Heaven like this! Think about Logan and you guys so, so often.
