Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6

Today brimmed with blessings. I found something special while shopping that I never thought I'd find (and it was the kind of thing I could see Logan leaving out for me so that made it a double blessing), a random article I wrote last night generated a much larger paycheck than I'd ever imagined it would, and the kiddos were, for the most part, well-behaved. The day felt happy. Harmonious. And it even ended like this, with Abby willingly reading the Little Boys a story:

It's alarmingly easy to accept a bounty of blessings without acknowledging that God is the source of ALL good things, even the seemingly trivial ones. Gratitude is, after all, a must in this lifetime, but so very often, we chalk successes up to nothing more than dumb "good luck." And that's just wrong. So today, I'm deeply --and deliberately-- thankful for every single amazing blessing that God sent my way.

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