Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 21

I started to write "I like good days," but I can't think of anyone who doesn't like good days so I'm tweaking the thought to read "I like days that feature multiple good elements." That's better. And it also happens to define my Thursday.

After a relatively chill morning of coffee and email, I had a calm afternoon of kid pick-ups and then an evening of baseball, which included Brady's team's first win of the season. (Incidentally, I'm glad they won but it still pains me to root for the Red Sox. So gross.) And then after the game, I got to go to dinner downtown with Kathy, who's in town for a (very) quick business trip.

She's only been gone for a few months, but I've missed her. And though my text and email game is strong (really, really strong, if I do say so myself), there's really nothing quite like connecting in person every now and then: eye contact, a hug... you can (if only briefly) experience all of the personal touches that you lose when there's distance involved.

So yes: it was a good day. And given how lousy a few of my recent days have been, I'll definitely take my multi-faceted blessing.

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