Thursday, June 20, 2019

June 20

It was Take Your Kid to Work Day at Adam's office, so he, Abby and Isaac were off to Intel early this morning. That left Brady and I to have a just-us day, which we kicked off at Starbucks with Taylor. I hadn't seen her since January (which I cannot explain since she doesn't live that far away), so it was really, really nice to have some face-to-face time.

After a quick stop at home, my little Muffin and I headed over to Black Bear Diner for lunch (his pick), and then to Walmart and Target. (Which were, again, his picks.) And then after some video game time (and a nap for me) this afternoon, we headed out for an early evening walk around the neighborhood.

It was, all in all, a really pleasant day. I tried to slow down and really absorb the funny things Brady said --like how he replied "indeed" to a remark I made while we walked through the aisles at Target, which was hilarious since it's exactly what Adam says all the time-- and the minute details of his mannerisms and how he asked --with genuine curiosity in his voice-- why the wind is so loud when it passes by his ears. I don't get a lot of alone-time with him these days, so it was a blessing to have him all to myself.

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