Saturday, January 21, 2023

January 21

It's our tradition to get ice cream to celebrate good report cards. (The older I get, the less comfortable I am with the idea of celebrating "good grades" so these days I tend to think of the treats as rewards for having "good semesters," meaning they've done well academically and made strides toward developing lasting good character. But that's an aside.)

So during halftime of today's Chiefs/Jags game, we piled into Adam's car (yes, Abby, Charles) and drove over to the Dairy, where both Isaac and Brady enjoyed chocolate/orange twist cones.

They did indeed do well last semester and I'm very proud of their collective academic performance. (Just like I'm proud of Abby's debut at Wheaton, which netted her an impressive three As and an A-.) But I'm more proud of them for their personal development. I'm pleased that they have good friends and that they enjoy going to Youth Group and that adults in their lives (who are not me or Adam) tell me that they enjoy having them around.

So today, I celebrate their success as young people. And I thank God that I get to be their mom (referee, chauffer driver, macaroni and cheese maker, and more).

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