Friday, May 29, 2020

May 29

Today marked the end of another school year. It was, of course, something of an unconventional final day since instead of the usual hugs and photos with teachers and a noon-time pizza buffet out, it was a last-day drive-by parade at the elementary school and Mountain Mike's pizza at home for lunch. And a stop by the old house to take our final last-day-of-school by-the-door photos (which we later followed with pictures by our brand new door, too, just so I'll have a clean transition to look back on one day).

It was also different because today marked the end of our 11-year stint at Mohr Elementary. Our kiddos learned a lot during their time at that school and we were blessed with some wonderful teachers, but we made the decision to move Brady to our new neighborhood school for the Fall.

As we drove away from the parade, I heard sniffling all around me and realized that all three kids were in tears. In spite of my own mixed feelings about the school and about how my tenure as PTA President turned out, I felt emotion rising in my throat, too, but didn't say much about it other than to remind them all to remember the good times but to look forward to what's to come. Because good things are indeed in store for them and for us. And for that truth, I'm thankful.

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