Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 30

When I woke up this morning, I had grand ideas of dropping the boys at school in my pajamas, driving home, and going back to bed. But I didn't wind up doing that. I got dressed, did the school-thing, bought a raspberry filled donut from the Jelly Donut, and settled into a chair at the Mother Ship for some coffee. And crochet.

As I worked on this square (or one just like it), the older'ish guy who sat down across from me asked what I was making. I replied that I wasn't sure yet (which is true) but that I'd need lots of little squares to make whatever it'll eventually be. And then we spent the next hour chit-chatting about our respective lives.

I have no idea if I'll ever run into this person again, but it was a blessing to just sit and hear tales from someone else's life for a short while. It was an excellent reminder to always extend grace since we often know nothing of the burdens that others carry.

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