Monday, February 14, 2022

February 14

When I got up this morning, I found two dozen red roses, six boxes of candy (yes, six), and a card waiting for me at the kitchen table.

And they were all from this guy right here. This guy who's been my Valentine since we started dating back in late 1997. Twenty-five years ago.

To say that Adam's a good guy would be a massive understatement because he's an amazing guy. I don't think I deserve all of the goodness he showers on me, but somehow, God did. And He saw fit to bring us together when we were still young, and I will forever be grateful for the love, attention, and grace he's given me over the years. Especially for the grace, since I know I've not always been easy to love. He's always been like Jesus to me, and that's a blessing of immense worth.

Happy Valentine's Day, hunny. I love you!

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