Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February 15

My church held a Valentine's Day ladies' tea this morning. I completely forgot to take a pic, but it was most definitely the highlight of my day, so I'm using this image of my beautiful red roses instead.

I'd planned to sit at a table with women I didn't know, but as it turned out, I knew at least one person at each table, so I wound up randomly choosing an empty chair. I had a lovely time sipping tea while chit-chatting with my table-mates.

And at one point, after the hostess gave a short talk and the mic was opened up for others to address the group, I glanced around the room into a sea of tentative faces, and decided to share a little bit of my story. About how losing Logan broke me, but how it also ultimately brought me closer to Jesus. (Because it did.)

So today, I'm grateful to be part of a faith community, and I'm grateful that I felt the nudge to share, because sharing --and being physical proof that it's possible to recover and even thrive after a traumatic event-- makes everything that happened feel a little less terrible.

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