Friday, June 3, 2022

June 3

Abby graduated from high school tonight. 

It's such a surreal feeling that I have to write it again to convince myself that it's real: Abby --my first-born, my only girl, the big sister, the one who long ago dubbed herself my Broke Little Best Friend Who Thinks I'm Rich-- is finished with high school. 

She donned a cute white dress and we dined on takeout from Chipotle on the new outdoor furniture that was delivered yesterday. (Thank you, Costco.) Then she perched her purple cap (which she decorated with tiny fabric flowers) atop her head and slipped into her Amador purple gown and an array of neck accoutrements. (If you're wondering, said-cords were for yearbook, biliteracy certification, and Young Life. The fourth item was a lei that a neighbor of ours very kindly and unexpectedly bought for her to wear. Thank you, Ashlee!) 

She filed into the stadium with her peers and we cheered when we saw her pass by. They called her name and her English teacher --Mr. Paktaghan, who taught her both sophomore and senior years-- handed her a diploma (holder. The real deal comes next week sometime) and she crossed the stage and shook hands with the trustees and other district bigwigs. She turned her tassel. We took photos on the track with Adam's parents, who joined us for the occasion. And then she changed and went off to Grad Night, where I hope she's having fun as I type and try to untangle the web of hopelessly knotted thoughts in my mind.

You all know me well enough at this point to know that I'm rarely at a loss for words; I think this blog is a testament to that truth. But in these waning moments of today, I'm close to it, not because I don't have anything to say, but because I have so much to say that I can't seem to formulate a cogent reflection. But because I am me, I'll see what I can do.

I am so, so grateful to God for gifting us with Abby 17 years and 7 months ago. She's smart and sensitive and witty and thoughtful and beautiful and she has an amazingly good heart. She works hard and always strives to do what's right, even if it's not what's popular or what she wants to do. And she's a survivor. I watched her lose her best friend when she was just seven years old. Managing those feelings was virtually impossible for me as an adult, but even as a child, she handled it with a level of grace and maturity that I still don't fully understand. In some ways, she's my hero. And I'm grateful for her example. (And yes, Lambie was there in the stadium taking in the ceremony.)

So yes: Abby is a high school graduate, and I couldn't possibly be prouder of her. Congratulations, bestie. Great things are in store for you because there's a phenomenal plan for your life. And I can't wait to see where the path takes you.

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