Monday, March 11, 2024

March 11

I'm not huge on Mondays in general and today was a doozy so I was worn out even before the sun dipped out of sight.

My knees let me know it was raining when I woke up, which is always an auspicious way to start a day. Then there were various scheduling issues that required copious amounts of attention and baseball practices and other niggling little worries that kept my tummy tied in a partial knot. And then this evening I narrowly escaped being rear-ended by a speeding car on the freeway; I glanced up and saw it coming at me far too quickly and then I heard the frantic squealing of tires and stomped on my accelerator to get out of the way as my heart leapt into my throat and somehow, somehow, the anticipated impact never came. But the fright wiped out any trace of energy I had left. So I came home and sat down and just cried. Because, well, Monday. 

But there were bright spots, and I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge them. The accident that should've happened but did not was God at work keeping us (and I say "us" because Isaac was with me) safe. A baseball carpool situation resolved itself thanks to some parents who stepped up. I had a pleasant text exchange with one of my brothers. And I got to enjoy one of my hobbies with Brady.

My muffin likes doing things; he likes to cook and weave and rug hook, and he'd previously expressed interest in gardening. So I had him help me start some bean plants after school. He spread the soil in the starter tray and carefully put a seed in each cell and carried the tray inside and placed it in the kitchen window and listened as I explained the care procedures.

Gardening --the smell and feel of soil, the satisfaction of burying a seed and waiting for it to sprout-- is soothing to me, so it was a blessing to be able to share it with him. And after the kind of day it was, a comforting experience shared with one of my babies is just what I needed.

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