Sunday, March 31, 2024

March 31

 Happy Easter from our house to yours. 

It was a mostly quiet day, with the traditional Easter baskets followed by church and then a walk for Adam and I around the 'hood under mostly blue skies while the boys played video games. And then for dinner, Adam made steaks and potatoes and green beans and a mountain of scratch-baked rolls.

It was a good day, because it's the day that marks the rising of our Lord from the grave. And that's always something to celebrate.

But me? I was, to be fully honest, a bit out of sorts. It's strange and uncomfortable to realize that egg hunts and the big bunny and a lot of the cute trappings I've always associated with Easter are things of the past for us. It's strange to think that those two guys there in the photo with me are 13 and 15 years old. It's strange to think that Abby's not in the picture because she's away at school, finishing up her sophomore year of college. And it's still strange and painful that Logan isn't in the picture because he's been gone for more than 12 years. 

But that last part, that's what makes today as vitally important as it is. Because without today, the end of Logan's life here on earth would've been the definitive end. Instead, we know we'll see him again, whenever Someday arrives. So despite my feelings of sadness over the loss of those "fun things" and mixed emotions over the continuing metamorphosis of my family's life, my heart is filled with gratitude.

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