Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13

I visited Logan's grave this morning to water the new plants. Just as I turned to walk back to my car, I --almost as an afterthought-- asked that he find a way to say hi. If he could. And that little bitty request marked the beginning of an avalanche: flowers, Corvettes, dancing, cupcakes.

But in the interest of keeping it relatively short and sweet, I think the very first one of the day is probably the most meaningful.

I was standing in the shoe aisle at Target a little while later when my purse started to ribbit. I was confused for about two seconds, and then I remembered it: the frog light.

I think I talked about it in Logan's blog, but one of the nurses at CHO loaned him a broken frog light while he was in treatment. Although the light-part no longer works, the sound feature is fully functional, and Logan enjoyed pressing the button and making him riiiiibbit. I can still see him smiling and hear him giggling as he pressed that button.

Somehow, at some point, that little frog made its way into my purse. And every now and then, usually just when I need to hear it, that little frog ribbits.

And I remember. Heaven is for real, y'all.

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