Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 27

Sometimes winks aren't about recognizing the lighter side of life. No, sometimes they're designed to provide comfort; to be that quiet voice that whispers yes, I know it's hard. And I know you struggle. And that's okay.

So today's bit comes from a song I heard on the radio. I've actually heard it and ruminated on it a bunch of times over the past few months. But today, the meaning of the lyrics hit me in earnest.

These are some of the words to Lee Brice's "I Drive Your Truck". I looked it up, and it's based on an interview with a family who lost a son; the parent was asked how they cope with the loss. The simple response? "I drive his truck".

Obviously, Logan never had a truck or a car or even a bike. He was only 5 when he went Heavenward. But I feel the soul behind the lyrics. I feel that need to maintain a connection with him in my own special, personally meaningful way.

And I feel --really feel-- this section of the song, which ironically, I only heard --or maybe "tuned in to" would be a better way to say it-- this morning:

I’ve cussed, I’ve prayed, I’ve said goodbye
Shook my fist and asked God why
These days when I’m missing you this much...

I know that feeling. And today, I felt like God was telling me that He knows that I know that feeling. And that it's okay to feel that way. And that's an invaluable thing.

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