Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3

Brady and I spent a big chunk of our day with my grandma. She's 90 years old now, but still lives in the same house she lived in with my grandpa for nearly 30 years. And she's still, in my humble opinion, remarkably independent.

My grandma has always been very important to me. I lived with her for a few months when I was very young, and then again for a few years in elementary school. She's one of my closest relatives, and I really wish I could see her more often.

Anyway, today, she took us for a ride in the golf cart she uses to get around her rather expansive piece of property.

To make what could be a very long story much shorter, I loved the ride. It wasn't long and it had a bizarre ending that involved grandma and I pushing the cart up a hill toward her garage while Brady sat in the center seat, but I really treasured how it made me feel to touch that ground again. How it felt to smell the grass and see the vibrant green color of the trees. It felt home-y and familiar. My adult life may have carried me far from these roots, but as Sugarland and Bon Jovi said, who says you can't go home?

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