Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8

Today marked Brady's first day of pre-K (also known as the 4's class). I was all set to use one of my cute photos of him standing beside the welcome sign at the school, but changed my mind this evening because of this:

After he took a short, late-afternoon nap, I retrieved him from his crib and carried him downstairs. He told me he was cold, so while Adam finished prepping dinner, we sat down in my chair together and cuddled under a Lightning McQueen blanket.

After Adam sat down on the couch to watch the football game (with Isaac, who was completely enthralled by the on-field action), I asked Brady if he wanted to stay with me (since we'd been together all day long) or go see daddy. He quickly whispered 'stay with you.' And then he grabbed my hand.

That sweet little gesture warmed my heart. There's just so much oft-overlooked love packed into those little, almost-missed-'em moments.

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