Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 4

Truthfully, I wanted to whip out my phone and take a photo right in the middle of today's church service, because so much of what the pastor said spoke so strongly to me. But the rules of propriety won out and it remained tucked in my coat pocket.

The message was, in short, about maintaining an attitude of thankfulness no matter what. So I decided just now to take a picture of a few silly things for which I'm thankful --at this very second-- so I can deliberately exercise gratitude.

I'm thankful for these socks because they're knee-high and warm and a friend gave them to me, so I get to think of her when I wear them. I'm thankful for the pants because I've had them for ages and wore them during the early stages of all four of my pregnancies, so they've snugly held me as well as all of my babies. Finally, I'm thankful for the purple blanket because it's from family and it's nice to cuddle under during chilly evenings.

So here's a challenge. I know I don't usually issue them, but it feels appropriate: look to your left. What's there, and why are you thankful for it? You feel a sense of thankfulness for anything at all; it just takes a little focus.

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