Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15

Today featured a few nice little tidbits that could easily work their way into this entry. For one, I had some nice time to myself at Starbucks. Then, I saw a friend I don't see often, and had the chance to sit and talk with her for a while. Her family is coping with a major illness so it was good --therapeutic, even-- to share our experiences and feelings. Then I headed over to preschool to pick up Brady and attend the school year's final chapel session.

There's something utterly precious about chapel. It is, of course, geared toward three and four year olds, but I always come away feeling like my own faith has been strengthened by hearing about the adventures of Freddie the Frog and singing those simple but catchy tunes (that often come back to mind while in the shower or getting ready to conduct an interview). God is watchin', watchin' over you....

I am deeply grateful for the care and guidance that I and all four of my children have received there. (And I'm even more grateful that Brady still has a year to go before he starts Big School!)

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