Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June 7

I went for a walk by myself this evening because I needed some time to decompress and think. I hadn't really resolved any of my issues by the time I got home, but I did find this on the driveway:

I know: a whole dime. Whoop-ti-do. I'm rich. The thing that made it an interesting find is that I'm pretty sure it's the dime Brady dropped when he was getting out of the car a week ago. He was disappointed so we searched and searched for that dime for a good 15 minutes but it was nowhere to be found. In hindsight, I guess it must've rolled far enough under the car that we didn't see it when we peeked. But then this evening, as I walked back up the driveway, there it was. Just sitting there.

I think life is like that sometimes. We search --and sometimes it feels like we're doing it in vain-- for answers but they don't seem to come until poof, they do. I don't know why God chooses to reveal truths to us at different times --why we're tasked with being impossibly patient-- but you know something? I grateful to be able to live in the truth. Though life has and will continue to screw with me, I'm sure, dimes will continue to show up when I need to see them.

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