Saturday, February 10, 2018

February 10

I'm not really ready for tomorrow. Of course, I'm never really ready for February 11, but it comes around every single year regardless of how I feel about it. So I'll save the complicated task of weaving and sorting through my emotions for then. With that said, today was --quite ironically-- about celebrating new life.

My sister-in-law Emily is expecting her third child --and her first baby girl-- in about a month, and her sisters arranged a celebration for her at a spa. So Abby and I headed up the freeway early this afternoon to have pedicures and late lunch with her, her mother, her two sisters, and Adam's mom.

I don't see any of them very often, but I have to say that they're all very kind, welcoming people, so an afternoon chatting and munching on too many treats with them was an afternoon well-spent, and definitely good for my heart.

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