Thursday, July 19, 2018

July 19

I've freelanced for years now, but I haven't had a full time job since early 2004, when I was newly pregnant with Abby and developed debilitating "morning" (which is code for "every second of every day") sickness. Adam, on the other hand, got a job with Intel right out of college --before we'd even graduated, actually-- and has been there ever since. Tonight, in honor of the company's 50th birthday, we went down to Santa Clara to watch a drone show:

I don't spend a lot of time reflecting on it because I'm always at home, but that company has been really, really good to us for the last 18 years. They were good to us when we were recent college grads just getting started, good to us when our kids were born, and incredibly good when Logan was sick and after he passed on.

I know large corporations often take flak for being impersonal, but I don't think that's been our experience. So for the people Adam has known along the way who've gone above and beyond and for those he'll meet down the line, I'm very thankful.

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