Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25

We packed up the car (and the kids) this morning and set off for Adam's parents' cabin in the Sierras. Logan's birthday is on the 31st, and Adam often takes off the last bit of July, probably partly because he has vacation days to use and partly because he wants to gear up for the big event surrounded by the four people who best understand the ramifications of said big day.

So anyhow, here we are. After dinner, we grabbed some ice cream and headed out for a stroll (as we so often do).

I did as I often do and trailed behind the others, half watching them interact and half looking at my surroundings. At one point, they started singing TV theme songs. Since Abby's begun the process of binge watching "Full House," that one was first up on the menu, but the impromptu singalong soon progressed to feature "Mr. Rogers," "Caillou," "Arthur," and a truly impressive array of kids' favorites. (Seriously, the amount of random stuff Abby manages to store in her mind is astounding.)

They're goofy people for sure, but they're my people. I wish Logan could be in this picture, holding Abby's hand and laughing like a maniac as he recalled the theme song from "Dragon Tales," but I can't --won't-- lose sight of the fact that I'm blessed to have the people who are in the photo here with me. It's easy to get lost in grief sometimes, but having people around to soften the edges is a blessing. And if the five of us can band together and blur our shared edges... that's a very big deal indeed.

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