Saturday, November 10, 2018

November 10

I decided that I'd had quite enough of watching Abby go to school in shorts and t-shirts lately, so I told her we were going clothes-shopping this afternoon. Although she agreed to come along, she did issue a warning as she fastened her seatbelt: "You know this is probably going to end with us fighting, right?" Yup. I knew it. But my need for her to have pants and sweaters superceded the concern. And surprise: she was wrong anyway. We didn't fight.

And not only did we not fight, but we actually had fun. We hit Old Navy first, and she came away with a pair of skinny jeans (that she'll probably never wear because she hates how fabric feels on the backs of her knees. Yup. This is what happens when you literally never wear pants: they feel weird. But the bonus for me is that we wear the same size so if she hates 'em, they'll move into my closet. Score.), a sweater, and a sweatshirt.

Then we moved on to the mall, where we tried on fun wintry formal wear. I started with the black dress (which left us both dusted with glitter) and she went with the maroon, and then we swapped. (I cannot tell you how amusing it is to trade clothes with her in a dressing room, but I digress. She's probably a size smaller, an inch and a half taller and 10 or so pounds lighter, but dude, so close.)

Anyhow, I loved the experience. I know my time with her under my roof is limited, so I'm thankful for the fun, non-contentious moments we get to share.

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