Friday, July 10, 2020

July 10

I was driving Isaac to baseball practice this evening when I heard the opening bars of a familiar tune on the radio. It was a song from a CD I had way back in high school, and I listened to said CD a lot at the time, but it hasn't been out of the CD case for probably 15 years. (Because dude, who uses actual CDs anymore?)

Anyway, I got super excited when I checked the dash and saw the song name and that old familiar CD cover and started singing along and car-dancing in my seat.

Isaac probably thought I was nuts, but those songs I listened to way back when --back when my faith was in a younger, more immature and untested place-- are so dear to me now. I'm not really sure why, but they are. So tonight, I'm thankful for that unexpected throwback from the past.

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