Monday, July 15, 2024

July 15

These three were up and out the door early this morning for day one of VBS.

And although that's a very good thing, I'm actually writing about something that's only tangentially related.

Last night as I dozed on the couch watching "Columbo" on Peacock, I was aware that Isaac was repeatedly trekking up and down the stairs to the garage. At one point I thought I heard the vacuum running, and at another point he opened the side kitchen door, which I assumed meant he was visiting the trash can on the side yard. But since I was half-asleep, I didn't investigate. I think I asked him if he needed anything once or twice, but he always insisted he was all good. Eventually, he said goodnight and went up to bed.

I forgot all about his mysterious flurry of activity until this morning after the kiddos had already left for VBS. I went down to the garage to head to the Mother Ship. When I opened the passenger side car door to deposit my purse on the seat, I  noticed that the Random Stuff I keep on the floorboard was neatly stacked. Then when I opened the back door, I found that the floor had been completely cleaned and vacuumed. 

I smiled when it dawned on me that he'd cleaned out my car. 

It was no small task and I have no idea what compelled him to do it, but he did. And as I sat there looking at his handiwork, I felt a strong sense of gratitude. He's a good kid, that boy of mine. They're all good kids. And I am grateful for the ways they choose to serve others, even when they don't have to do it.

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