Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28

When we got home from Brady's game late this afternoon, I went into our room, threw up my hands, and exclaimed "I am so excited to introvert!" (Adam was standing in the doorway at the time, so no, I wasn't talking to myself.)

And after a long weekend of tournament ball, I was speaking the truth.

Although I've been branded a "raging extrovert" by some people in recent years, that's not really me because I definitely feel over-peopled at times. Now I like my people; I love watching my boys play ball and I love shopping with Abby and I love my dates with Adam. I love sitting around and doing nothing at all with them sometimes. And I love spending time with friends. That's all true.

But I also crave time by myself. I like to be alone so I can work on projects and read and watch my TV shows and quietly connect with God. 

So for the opportunities I had today to both be with people and by myself, I'm grateful. Because I think doing both helps to refine a better version of me.

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