Monday, July 29, 2024

July 29

I decided to clean the hardwood floors this afternoon, and as I worked, I could hear the intermittent hum of Abby's sewing machine upstairs. When she appeared a few hours later and I asked her what she was up to, she shied away from answering; she doesn't like to talk about projects until they're finished. So I didn't press for details.

And then this evening, with dinner percolating in our tummies and Adam and I settled in front of the TV to catch the primetime Olympic coverage, she strolled into the room wearing a dress that I hadn't seen before.

It was the mystery project, completed.

I got up to take a closer look and for the umpteenth time, I was impressed with what I saw. She's so amazingly creative with her sewing; she (still) doesn't use patterns but manages to come up with and construct cute designs.

That kind of talent is God-given, and I'm thankful that I get to see my girl using and enjoying the fruits of her gift.

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