Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 6

Here's a different kind of image for y'all:

We stayed to play after kindergarten pick-up today. Isaac and his friend Trevor disappeared behind some bushes at the park and emerged hauling this massive branch. At the time, I thought it was funny. Now, hours later, I still think it's an amusing scene, but it's more than that.

This was truly a team effort. There's no way either of them could possibly have carried that branch across the playground to show the grown-ups without the other's help. And that, of course, points to a truth about life in this world: we really, truly need each other. And we need each other not only for manual tasks like carrying ginormous wooden planks, but also to feel loved and appreciated and wanted.

It reminded me that though I carry a load, there are others around who voluntarily walk with me and share that burden. And for that, I am SO grateful.

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