Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 7

It's been years, but I can still hear Logan's chirpy voice "reading" from the Cars character dictionary. Of course, he never actually read anything at all; he never learned how. But he knew the little profiles by heart. In my mind's ear, I can still hear him saying a few of those clever names with his special inflection... Todd 'The Shockster' Marcus... and Mildred Bylane. So I was thrilled to find this at Toys R Us this morning:

I still look for new cars, but it's really hard to find them because resellers buy them all up as soon as they hit the pegs. But this Mildred was sitting right at the front of her peg, as if she'd been waiting for me.

And maybe she had: just half an hour earlier, I went to water Logan's flowers and asked him to find a way to be near.

Maybe it was just a coincidence. Or maybe it was a Logan-infused God wink.

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