Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10

I was trolling my Facebook feed this morning when I came across today's wink. I didn't even have to think about it; the message was right there for the taking:

You'll have to click the picture to read the full text, but in short, a friend posted about an encounter with an older woman who told her about a son she lost more than 50 years ago. She talked about him because he matters and because he'll always count as a member of her family.

I don't need reminders that Logan will always count. He will always be a member of our family. But I store them up in my heart when I get them anyway, especially on days like today, which happens to be the eve of my 36th birthday. I may be on the verge of adding another year to my lifetime total, but my Sunshine will always be a part of me, even when I'm old and gray and talking to someone I don't know in a checkout line at the Dollar Store.

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