Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16

Today felt very long. Good, but long. Adam worked from home so he took Abby and Isaac to school. Then I took Brady to the grocery store to pick up a few things. We had a short period of down time before I had to jet off to pick up Isaac and take him to a play date. He had a great time playing with his friend Thomas and I had a nice time talking with his parents; I've known his mom for several years now, since her older son is Abby's age. Then I brought him home, picked up Abby and took her to dance class. While she was dancing, I took a walk. Then we came home and headed out to the preschool's annual end-of-year carnival.

Food, games, bouncy houses, pony rides, balloon animals, and of course, the book fair. It's a pretty exhausting experience, especially if you're charged with manning the tennis ball toss (think plastic bowling pins and tennis balls bouncing in every direction possible every 10 seconds). But it's totally worth it because they have so much fun.

So much, in fact, that Abby --the nearly 10-year old-- declared the day 'the best day ever' as we were driving home.

I'm not sure about that, but it was a good one. And for that, I'm thankful. I'm thankful for Isaac's delighted face as Crackers the clown fastened a balloon hilt around his waist and I'm thankful for the huge grin on Brady's face as he rode the pony around and around the parking lot path. Moments of childhood wonder... priceless, but so easily overlooked or dismissed. I'm thankful that I remembered to appreciate them today.

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