Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25

I was a bit disappointed when my morning coffee meet-up was canceled. Honestly, it's been something of a crappy week and I don't handle my emotions particularly effectively this time of year --for anyone who isn't counting like I am, we're about two and a half weeks from the fifth anniversary of Logan's passing and it's beginning to weigh on my heart more than I'd like-- but I know stuff happens, so I headed off to Starbucks solo.

When I got there, I found these two lovely ladies sitting at the corner table:

I hemmed for a moment before agreeing to accept their gracious invitation to join them; I'm not big on crashing others' parties, and the hard truth is that most of the time, I assume people are happier when I'm not around. I tend to view myself as a billboard for The Worst Thing That Can Happen To Parents, and I know that can make me less attractive.

But in the end, I did join them, and I'm so happy that I did. We had a lovely chat and when they headed off, my heart felt full.

So my lesson for today: Accept and enjoy the unexpected gifts from God that show up just when you need them.

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