Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 13

I was sitting at home alone this morning just thinking (and organizing) when my doorbell rang. I wasn't particularly excited to find out who was there, but I peered outside anyway and found one of my neighbors waiting for me. This particular person is an older lady who recently lost her husband, and she's also something of a chatterbox, so I wasn't entirely sure what I was in for. But I opened the door anyway. And I'm really glad I did.

She had just come by to ask a question, but the conversation went on for 15 or 20 minutes and meandered across several topics: dealing with loss, neighborhood happenings, and figuring out how to interact with people who approach living differently. It occurred to me while we were chatting that she and I may be separated by a number of years, but we're really not all that different: we both want to feel appreciated and we both care --maybe too much sometimes-- about others. At one point, she made a specific, off-handed remark that lodged itself in my heart and cast a different light on a thought I'd had earlier in the day. (And I have to apologize for being vague here; I'm very open by nature, but this time, I want to keep it close to my vest.)

Anyway, today, I'm glad that God sent her my way and gave her some wise words to share with me. Clarity can come from unexpected sources, so be sure to keep your eyes, ears, and heart open.

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