Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29

I tried to go to bed at about 11 last night. I stared up at the ceiling for a while before I started to feel like God wanted me to go write something. It'd been quite a while since that had happened, so instead of trying to resist --because believe me, when I start feeling like I must write something, I must write it or I won't get to sleep-- I came downstairs and turned on the computer.

The words that came to me are below, but before I get to them, I want to say something else. Obviously, I don't mind when people read my writing; Logan's illness and passing gave me a boldness that I didn't really have before. But I want to be clear on one point. J.S. Bach once said "I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music." I'm certainly no Bach, but I can relate to those words because "my" best pieces aren't really mine at all; they're from God Himself, and I'm just the person gifted with the privilege of sharing them. And hopefully my all too feeble, all to human words are good enough to get the message across.

With that said, I'm not sure who exactly needs this message, but here it is: So view your biggest challenges and deepest heartaches as opportunities for God to go to bat for you in ways that are beyond the scope of plain old human comprehension. Because even in the most desperate situations we face, He moves; silently, lovingly, boldly, and with a steadfast commitment to ensuring our long-term welfare. He can --and will-- deliver every single time. So when the ground tremors and your very sense of self seems to be slipping through your fingers like grains of sand, hold fast to that truth. And don't give up.

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