Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3

And just like that, this girl of mine is a teenager. Thirteen remarkable years old.

I'm really not sure what I can say about Abby that I haven't said a million times before. She continues to amaze me with her strength, resiliency, intelligence, sense of humor, and kindness. I could roll my eyes forever over her obsession with cheeseburgers and a conga line of popular musicals, but they make her who she is so I love those things in spite of myself. She can be stubborn (she is our child, after all), but she throws her heart into every challenge she tackles and when it comes down to the nuts and bolts of life, she really does try hard to do the right things. Not the popular things, but the right ones.

So yeah, when she was born 13 years ago today, I was thrilled to have a little girl, but I had no idea that I'd hit the jackpot. And for that undeniable blessing, I'm more grateful than I can express.

Welcome to your teens, Abby. I love you!

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