Thursday, October 24, 2019

October 24

I won't say that I got up on the proverbial wrong side of the bed today, but I will say that I didn't have particularly high expectations as I slogged through the early phase of my morning routine. So I was pleasantly surprised to wind up with three separate blessings to touch on as I head off to bed tonight: one involving Abby, one Isaac, and the other, Brady.

The first came as I headed off on a field trip with Brady. I wasn't thrilled when --a few days ago-- his teacher asked me if I could pretty please with a cherry on top go along on their adventure; they were short a single seat, so could I please just take Brady? Since I like her and try to help my friends, I acquiesced. And to my surprise, I actually had a nice time chatting with a fellow mom and said teacher, and helping the kiddos create raffia bracelets.

The second came when I got home from the field trip and checked my email. Among the usual notes I found an extremely complimentary email from Isaac's PE teacher, which pointed out many of his good qualities and thanked us for sharing him with the school. (And I'd love to take credit for that, but it's all grace.)

The third came this evening as I watched Abby's dance class perform their Halloween routine, though it wasn't so much that as it was seeing her interact with Gracie in the lobby after the fact. I love that they found each other all those years ago and that they're such great friends. It does my heart immeasurable good to know that she is loved.

And honestly, that's not even all. There was also good health news for a friend I adore and a really great math quiz score for Abby. So much to be thankful for. So yep, for all of that, I'm grateful.

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