Monday, April 13, 2020

April 13

Today was the last day of Spring Break. (I know, I know. The past month has been so nutso that I'm not sure how we even still had a Spring Break, but it's all good.) The (not so) short people had different ideas when it came to deciding how to observe the occasion.

Abby sauntered downstairs, flashed a recipe on her phone, and announced that she wanted to bake cream cheese and butter biscuits. Cool beans. I like biscuits. Shortly thereafter --after they'd gotten their fill of the latest video game they've tried to master-- the young male folk asked if they could go in the pool. Given that they nearly froze their toes off during yesterday's very brief initial dip, I was skeptical. But they threw a ball back and forth in the water for 15 minutes before I made them get out (because dude. That water is chilly).

Anyway, my point in rehashing my kids' exploits is this: I love seeing them do things they enjoy. I love that Abby picked out a new recipe to try and I love that the boys wanted to splash around in our new pool (even if it's not really pool weather just yet). So I'm grateful to have experienced those very mundane, everyday kinds of moments today.

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