Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December 15

This year has sucked in so many ways that it's hard to count them all. But me learning to crochet has been really, really good for me. (For reference, the pic is of Adam wearing the hat I made for him today.)

I didn't get the hang of it immediately. In fact, it took me over a month and many ounces of frustration before I even figured out how to turn my work. (And even before that, mastering the slip knot was a struggle.) But eventually, I sorted it out and made progress, and I realized that I'm still able to learn to do new things (even though much of the time, I feel like I'm entrenched in a permanent state of Mommy Brain).

Additionally, it gives me something to do with my hands, which (and I know this will sound weird to some folks) helps me to think more clearly.

And it gives me a feeling that I'm productive. I sometimes feel like I don't have much of a purpose, but making things I can give away just because I feel like loving on someone else makes me feel like I do.

So yep, that's what I have for today: I am thankful that I can learn new things. And that I didn't just throw in the towel back when I didn't think I'd ever figure it out.

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