Wednesday, August 11, 2021

August 11

And so it begins: THE year.

The year that's been on my radar for several years now. THE year that we have a Senior, an eighth grader, and a fifth grader. The year that will wrap in early June with not just one or two transitions, but three as one finishes high school, one middle school, and the other, elementary.

It was more than a little overwhelming when I got up this morning, threw on some shorts and a shirt, and headed down to the kitchen to find the three of them already milling about as they ate the breadsticks Adam accidentally made. (The cans all look the same, he explained, and he didn't notice they weren't cinnamon rolls until he'd already popped it open. Oops.)

They were miraculously agreeable as I took their annual First Day photos; first individually, and then as a group. (Although there was one small hiccup when Isaac --who initially appeared wearing a Mario shirt and A's shorts-- took a long glance at his siblings and scampered back to his room after deciding he needed to change into something nicer. It reminded me of how he preferred dress clothes when he was very young.)

Anyway, after grabbing their backpacks --a "Cars" one for Abby, in honor of sweet Logan, an Orioles one for Brady, and plain grey for Isaac-- we headed off, with Adam shuttling Abby to the high school while I ferried the boys to their destinations. When all was said and done, everyone got to school on time (despite the awful traffic), and everyone had good days. 

I have a million emotions about today and about the months that are to come (and some extra ones stemming from the truth that today marks exactly 9 1/2 years since Logan went home to Jesus), but I'm nowhere near processing them all because doing that will no doubt be like untangling a long-tangled ball of superfine yarn. And at this moment, I'm just not ready for the challenge. But I'll get there. I'll process and I'll look back and smile and I'll move forward and I'll be grateful for all of the days and hours and seconds I'm given with these people and with everyone I love.

So for good first days and for growth and for the promise that the future will be filled with good gifts from God, I am thankful, even if I'm feeling overwhelmed.

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