Friday, August 6, 2021

August 6

Some days are just so filled with blessings that it's impossible to focus on just one. So I won't.

I was sitting by the window in the master bedroom crocheting early this afternoon when I heard Mary's car start up. (Mary lives across the street.) I know she takes a daily sojourn to the Mother Ship, so I hustled to get my shoes on so I could go along for the ride, and was dismayed when the sound of the engine grew faint. I shot her a quick "I wasn't fast enough!" text and she shot back "I hadn't gotten far!" and actually came back for me a few seconds later. It was a brief interaction, but so good for my social little heart.

Then (and this is not pictured, but only because I forgot to take a pic) I took Abby for her last-ever school ID photo pic (which turned out cute) and then for a trim (although in hindsight it would've been better the other way around but oh well).

Then early this evening, as Adam and I were getting ready for a dinner date, I noticed the kiddos at the table eating their pizza and getting along so I ran over to take a pic.

And then there was the dinner date itself at Eddie Papas, complete with a cherry vanilla cotton candy meal chaser. Carmel aside, we hadn't been out on a date-date in quite some time, so it was nice to just sit with him and listen to the latest work happenings.

So that's much of my day. The sky may be smoky because the wind changed and there are still many, many problems in this world, but I am thankful that today was filled with so many joyful moments. And I am thankful that I remembered to take the time to soak them all in.

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