Monday, August 9, 2021

August 9

This is a bruise on my leg. I'm not entirely certain about its origin, but I think it's the result of the car door closing on it a few weeks ago. (I'm not that exceptionally klutzy: our driveway slopes downward and sometimes gravity does unfortunate things when I'm getting in and out.)

Anyhow, I've been watching it change color for several days now. It's gone from black and white to an angry-looking blackish dark blue to deep purplish blue to what it is now: a mottled mishmash of lighter purple and yellow and light brown. 

So in other words, I've been watching it heal. And the process is, when you think about it, kinda sorta miraculous.

It's miraculous how angry dark blue can turn to light yellow over time. It's miraculous that wounds don't have to be permanent; that though challenges will arise and knock us over, we can still get back up and continue on. If our bodies of flesh were gifted with the ability to heal themselves when injured, just think of what God can --and will!-- do with our broken hearts and spirits when we offer them up to Him for repair.

Pretty amazing, I think. And pretty miraculous. 

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