Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 8

It was a busy, bustling kind of day at the Mother Ship. I watched from my perch in the corner as a petite blonde girl --maybe twentysomething, maybe not quite-- held up a cold cup and haltingly asked the barista if she was sure that it had two shots. The barista gave a terse affirmation, so although clearly unconvinced, the girl stepped away. Then I saw her go outside, pause, and take a sip. She stood there for a moment just looking at the cup in her hands before she turned and came back inside.

She stopped a few feet short of the counter and waited. Hemmed and hawed. The barista was oblivious to her return and to the storm of self-doubt that I was certain raged in her mind. I felt badly for her because I've been that girl --the one who has to work up the courage to ask for what should've been rightfully hers all along-- and I silently wished I could lend her some courage.

And then because God is just like that, my long-delayed cup of ice water --the one that I'd ordered 20 minutes earlier and completely forgotten about-- appeared at the bar. As I went to retrieve it, I paused in front of the girl, looked her in the eye, smiled, and said "you remind me so much of me. If it’s not right, just tell them. It’s ok." She looked surprised, and then relieved. And a moment later, she stepped forward and haltingly said that her drink didn't taste right so could they please fix it? And of course, they did.

I watched her as she again walked toward the exit and her gaze met mine and she smiled and paused and said "thank you for giving me the confidence I needed." And I smiled back because I didn't do much at all; I was just a fortysomething lending a hand to a twentysomething who needed help. But I'm thankful that she took that little piece of advice.

Lend your strength to someone else. It’ll plant a seed and then over time her own confidence will bloom. And the confidence that comes from knowing that we're worthy just because God chose to create us --just because we simply ARE-- is a blessing.

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