Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19

Sometimes, the best moments arise out of the most mundane circumstances.

I slept in this morning and missed church, so I was feeling a little spiritually dry for most of the day.

This evening, Abby wanted to go take part in a youth group volunteer opp, so I drove her over to the church. As I was leaving, I passed a friend I hadn't seen in a while and had a little chat. I won't identify her because I don't want to cause any embarrassment, but she shared that she was in the midst of stressful times, and that she'd wanted to get prayer this morning at the service, but it didn't work out.

In that moment, I felt my hand touch her shoulder, and right then and there, I prayed for her and her situation. It's not something that I do off the cuff particularly often, but I knew it was what I should do.

She marveled over how she'd wanted that prayer, thought she wouldn't get it, but wound up getting it anyway. And it was all because I heeded God's direction.

Let me be completely clear on a point: This isn't about me; it's about how God is the author of everything, and how He finds ways to put us where we need to be, when we need to be there. That I could be a vessel to help my friend... it's a blessing.

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