Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9

One of the many blessings of parenthood is the privilege of being reminded --on a daily basis-- that even the littlest, most trivial things are worthy of enthusiastic celebration.

Brady and I went to the store early this afternoon to pick up one specific item. While there, we checked out the Easter clearance aisle, and his eye came to rest on this item. He cooed over how "cute" it was and asked if he could please, please, please have "the bird." (He wasn't sold on it being a chick, as I suggested.) I relented, and for 50 cents, it came home with us.

And Brady was thrilled with it. He went on and on about how cute is was. He introduced it to his special friends, BearBear and Beggar. Of course, he eventually ate it, but watching him enjoy it and marvel over its cuteness was worth far more than a simple pair of quarters.

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