Monday, July 20, 2015

July 20

Today we took a drive up the mountain to hike the loop around Lake Alpine. It was, all in all, a fun day. We got a little lost a time or two, which led to a little wandering off the beaten path (which happens to be one of Adam's specialties), but eventually, we figured out where to go and were rewarded with some pretty great views and even greater memories.

There was the lake itself, of course, and how Isaac loved "skipping rocks" (which pretty much involved him chucking as many huge rocks as possible into the water). We also laughed over the trail itself; over how one tiny stretch featured five signs while the rest of it was woefully under-explained. And then there were the two little chipmunks who begged for our peanut butter sandwiches and granola bars when we stopped at a shady campsite by the water for lunch. I think the kiddos were enthralled by how friendly they were (but no, nature is nature, so we didn't give in to their pleading little paws). Even Brady was happy with the day, and as we got back into the car, he remarked --several times-- that he'd had a good day.

A good day is an even better blessing.

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