Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 17

We watched Monsters U this evening during (and after) dinner. When it was over and the credits were rolling, Brady came to me, grabbed my hands, and told me he wanted to dance.

So we danced hand in hand for a minute before his crazed, passionate, herky-jerky moves became too much for his old mama and he twirled out into middle of the room to perform solo.

It was bittersweet. The second he told me he wanted to dance, I knew it was my moment for the day. The request filled me with a sense of joy and happiness, but also one more painful than I want to feel. It made me think of Logan, which is a good thing, but this time of year... it's hard.

Still, I'm thankful whenever any of them want to dance and be free. And I think that will always be the case, even if watching them makes my heart ache a little.

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