Friday, February 12, 2016

February 12

At the risk of being overly dramatic, I really suffered through the past several days. Virtually nothing went right, and I was so emotionally over-wrought that even when I had a few minutes to cry, I couldn't do it. More than once as I drove from A to B, I found myself pounding on my steering wheel, begging God to just DO something. And then He did.

The early hours of my Friday saw me wondering how am I ever going to find the time to have my coffee today? since I had drop-offs, then the grocery store, then co-op duties at preschool on my calendar. But then as if on cue, I got a text from Brady's teacher asking if I'd like her to bring me a cup.

Pretty amazing, right? When I arrived at the school towing the Valentine party supplies, my coffee was waiting for me. But that wasn't the only awesome moment from today. There was the party itself, which saw all 12 kiddos high on a delightful combination of youthfulness and sugar. And then this evening, some unexpected and frankly miraculous help from a friend opened a door that I'd thought was firmly closed and locked with a dead bolt.

Adam is still sick. We've all still been exposed to whatever he has. Logan is still gone and I still have to cope with the never ending pain of that loss. But blessings are blessings, and I'm thankful when they show up.

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